2024 Child Enrolment Form


This form is essential for all children in 2024 kids' programs at Christ Church, including:

  • Friday programs - Junior Jivers (Toddlers & Pre Schoolers), Hubbers (Yrs K-2), Hub Club (Yrs 3-4), Kaos (Yrs 5-6)

  • Sunday programs - Creche (0-3 year olds), Noahs (3-5 year olds), Blast Off (Yrs K-2) and CCs (Yrs 3-6)

Please complete this form for EACH of your children in the programs above.

If applicable, click the "Add Another Child" button at the bottom of the form.


Child's Information

Parent/Guardian Information

This is the main contact for all notices and communication regarding your child's program.

Parent/Guardian #1

Parent/Guardian #2

This is the secondary contact and should be an adult relative or friend who is easily contactable in case of emergency.

Alternate Emergency Contact

This must be different to the Parents/Guardians provided above eg grandparent, family friend, adult sibling etc.


Do you give permission for photos and videos taken of your child at an activity of Christ Church Gladesville (including children's and youth programs), to be published by Christ Church Gladesville in print and online?

Do you give permission for photos and videos taken of your child at an activity of Christ Church Gladesville to be used for internal purposes only (including but not limited to, in our church services [not including livestream], in our children's programs, and in our emails / newsletters)?

My signature below indicates:

  • My willingness to permit my child to participate fully in the childrens programs of the parish of Christ Church
  • That I give my permission, in the case of a medical emergency, to the doctor chosen (either by the church authorities or other persons supervising or administering the activities), to secure proper treatment for and/or hospitalisation, injection, anaesthetic or surgery for my child as named.  I understand that every effort will be made to contact me prior to instituting such procedures.